Archive | July, 2011

Recipe Hacking Challenge #6 Results

10 Jul

Have you been checking in daily, dying to find out the recipe hacking results? Did you forget about this contest altogether? I bet you thought I had! I didn’t. My apologies. What can I say? It’s summertime and I’m easily distracted.

Since you’ve waited long enough, I’ll cut right to the chase. The winner the the 6th Recipe Hacking Challenge is…

Rhi @ The Challenged Cook!

Your burrito is unlike any I’ve ever tried before. You truly hacked this recipe, using inventive substitutes for both the tortilla and the contents. I appreciated that you went beyond the usual lettuce and tomato and added stuff like sprouts, carrots, and cucumbers.

Thanks to everyone who contributed! I really appreciate you sharing your recipes and hope you’ll continue to participate in future hacks.

Violetsouffle – Great idea! We’ve enjoyed your banana-cream cheese wraps for lunch and snacks! At our house we’re also big fans of using peanut butter.

Cathy – Love that you submitted not one, but two recipes! You’ll be pleased to hear that I’ve overcome my cumin aversion now. And goat cheese on a burrito? Crazy and unexpected, but good!

Matt – So impressed that your entire meal was homemade! Honorable mention to you for making your own hot sauce and tortillas!